Sunday, April 13, 2014

New mod release coming soon!

I've been pretty busy the last few days prepairing for the major update to the Hero in the Dark mod. With that being said here is what I have done...

Because I scaled the goblin up to add more detail, I had to redo the helmet. I decided to change it from a can to a pot. Let me know what you think of the change!

In the game Don't Starve you can venture into a dungeon. I was asked to create a spiral staircase that descends into the dark abyss. The stairs match on top of the hole to allow for multiple levels.

And last but not least, the goblins have announced their king. In the mod, once the king is killed, you are able to get his head on a pole allowing the player to place it near their place to ward off other goblins. In game this head will be attached to an existing pole.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Goblin is Complete

 The goblin has been passed on to the coders and has been added to the mod "Hero In The Dark." This experience is one of a kind, being able to produce something that potentially thousands of people will interact with. 

I haven't played the mod with the goblin yet and I am waiting anxiously. Good news is, I have a screenshot of a test run ran by Kraken121. He has been a blast to work with, and I am thankful for the opportunity he has given me to join him in creating this wonderful mod.

With the goblin finished and out of the way he needed a place to call home. Thinking of things that can be found in game helped me create the concept of this hut.
And I can't stop there. Up next.....  One and two headed ogres!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

An Update in size and clothing.

I doubled the size of this character to allow me to add
more detail. I also changed his clothing to
reflect some of the game elements.

A few expressions that will be added for animation.

I plan on adding the back and side views later, so
be sure to check back.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


A mod that is in the making for a game I play called Don't Starve, needed my help in creating artwork. I am enjoying the results and wanted to not only share what I've been creating to them, but with everyone. So please feel free to share/comment if your heart desires.
Original concept from TheDanaAddams

Regular Goblin:
Backside and Profile:
I am working on creating the helmet for the other two angles.
I will share those once it's finished.